Press Release – Ergon Energy Implements State-Of-The-Art Sf6 Gas Testing Equipment

Ergon Energy in Queensland is committed to environmental responsibility in serving its customers and the community. As operator of Australia’s largest and most diverse electricity distribution network infrastructure, Ergon has an international ISO 14001 environmental certification and has been a signatory to the Australian Greenhouse Challenge since 1997.
Aware of the major potential greenhouse impact following any losses of the switchgear insulant gas, SF6, Ergon Energy have long-established gas management practices that seek to minimise and track and loses of the gas. Such initiatives pre-date much of the SF6 gas tightness and handling initiatives from the European sector of the Industry, only now being finalised as Cigre Guidelines under Committee B3 AA2 WG18.

Having identified that the gas lost during routine gas sampling by traditional testing methods was in itself a significant area of gas managment that could be readily addressed by embracing improved technology, Ergon made a decision early in 2007 to equip all six of its regional depots with the RH Systems model 973 instrument which is unique in its integrated gas capture and pump-back design which ensures that gas lost during routine inspection of gas condition is insignificant.

In order to ensure a smooth and effective implementation of the technology, LORD Power Equipment and RH Systems of the USA joined forces to arrange training in October for nominally 80 Ergon field staff throughout Queensland. Photographs of this training are appended.

Not only are the instruments being employed in the managment of the SF6 gas used within Ergon assets, Ergon are also applying the technology effectively in the contracted managment of PowerLink assets in several regions of the State.

RH-Systems-1 RH-Systems-2
Training in Rockhampton Training at Townsville
RH-Systems-3 RH-Systems-4
SF6 training - Toowoomba Training at Cairns