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4.1 Understanding the organization and its context

TR Lord and Associates t/a AVO New Zealand, LORD Power Equipment and LORD Consulting has determined the internal and external issues that are relevant to our purpose and our strategic direction and that affect our ability to achieve the intended results from our quality management system.

TR Lord and Associates t/a AVO New Zealand, LORD Power Equipment and LORD Consulting monitors and reviews all information about these internal and external issues.

These issues are agenda item which are reviewed at the annual meeting and recorded in the minutes of meetings.

NOTE 1. Issues can include positive and negative factors or conditions for Consideration.

NOTE 2. Understanding the external context can be facilitated by considering issues arising from legal, technological, competitive, market, cultural, social and economic environments, whether international, national, regional or local.

4.2 Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties

Due to their impact or potential impact on TR Lord and Associates t/a AVO New Zealand, LORD Power Equipment and LORD Consulting ability to consistently provide products that meet the customer needs,  TR Lord and Associates t/a AVO New Zealand, LORD Power Equipment and LORD Consulting  determines:

a) The interested parties that are relevant to the QMS (quality management system). These consist of:

  • Our customers. See b) below.
  • Our sales and marketing provisions.

TR Lord and Associates t/a AVO New Zealand, LORD Power Equipment and LORD Consulting marketing is directed by TR Lord and LORD Consulting marketing and the day to day sales activities are carried out by the General Manager Sales & Marketing with guidance from the Managing Director.

  • Our component suppliers: Approval of new suppliers and the procurement process in managed using the purchasing procedures. All interactions are to be ethical.
  • Our sub-contractors: Contractors are approved using the same process as for a new supplier.  The monitoring of contractors is the responsibility of their designated supervisor.  All interactions are to be ethical.
  • Owners: The Directors manage the interests of TR Lord and Associates t/a AVO New Zealand, LORD Power Equipment and LORD Consulting New Zealand, by setting the strategic direction of the company, accountancy and financial policies, the annual meeting and by communication with and reports from the General Manager Sales & Marketing.
  • Staff: There is one weekly staff meeting that allows all to contribute to the day to day operation of the company.
  • Regulatory authorities: These requirements have been listed in a spreadsheet which has links to the relevant Act, Code of Regulation.  These are linked to the appropriate function at TR Lord and Associates t/a AVO New Zealand, LORD Power Equipment and LORD Consulting and this function is responsible for ensuring compliance with the statutory requirements. 
  • TR Lord and Associates t/a AVO New Zealand, LORD Power Equipment and LORD Consulting comply with all relevant laws, regulations and codes.

b) The requirements of these interested parties that are relevant to the quality management system.

  • Customer requirements are recorded and kept up to date.
  • Records of customer requirements are kept in email and the Attache’ Pro database.
  • Other requirements are addressed by processes included in the quality programme, such as changes to procedures, training or enhanced verification.
  • Customer orders are recorded and acted on as required by the customer.
  • An effective means implemented to assure on-time delivery.

TR Lord and Associates t/a AVO New Zealand, LORD Power Equipment and LORD Consulting uses Attache’ Pro, supplemented by Sage CRM system as the computer-based management tools to track orders through the system. Training procedures and processes records are used and maintained.

TR Lord and Associates t/a AVO New Zealand, LORD Power Equipment and LORD Consulting  monitors and reviews the information about these interested parties and their relevant requirements. This is monitored annually and set at the QMS Strategy Meeting.  

TR Lord and Associates t/a AVO New Zealand, LORD Power Equipment and LORD Consulting   uses the email system to monitor and record the information and their requirements.

TR Lord and Associates t/a AVO New Zealand, LORD Power Equipment and LORD Consulting   has determined the boundaries and applicability of the quality management system in order to establish its scope.

When determining the scope, TR Lord and Associates t/a AVO New Zealand, LORD Power Equipment and LORD Consulting has considered:

  1. Internal and external issues, as above.
  2. The requirements of relevant interested parties, as above.
  3. TR Lord and Associates t/a AVO New Zealand, LORD Power Equipment and LORD Consulting products.

The scope covers:

The operations of TR Lord and Associates t/a AVO New Zealand, LORD Power Equipment and LORD Consulting  in this manual.  The company is located at 39 Leslie Hills Drive, Riccarton, Christchurch, New Zealand.  It covers the design and manufacture of all of the range of the company’s electrical equipment and our working associations with our customers and suppliers.  TR Lord and Associates t/a AVO New Zealand, LORD Power Equipment and LORD Consulting product range is listed on the TR Lord and Associates t/a AVO New Zealand, LORD Power Equipment and LORD Consulting web site.  Additionally, product variants as developed against particular customer requirements.  TR Lord and Associates t/a AVO New Zealand, LORD Power Equipment and LORD Consulting is also available for design service and/or sales. 

TR Lord and Associates t/a AVO New Zealand, LORD Power Equipment and LORD Consulting provides consulting and repair work.

Where a requirement of ISO 9001 within the above scope can be applied then it shall be applied by TR Lord and Associates t/a AVO New Zealand, LORD Power Equipment and LORD Consulting.

If any requirement of ISO 9001 cannot be applied, this shall not affect TR Lord and Associates t/a AVO New Zealand, LORD Power Equipment and LORD Consulting ability or responsibility to assure conformity of its products. Any exception will be documented.

The scope shall be available and maintained as documented information in the Quality Manual stating the:

  • Products covered by the quality management system.
  • Justification for any instance where a requirement cannot be applied.

Standard products are recorded in the TR Lord and Associates t/a AVO New Zealand, LORD Power Equipment and LORD Consulting web site.

Special or new products are recorded in the “TR Lord and Associates t/a AVO New Zealand, LORD Power Equipment and LORD Consulting  email trail”.  Justifications are recorded in the email train for a particular product/project.

The organization shall monitor and review information about these interested parties and their requirements.

4.3 Determining the scope of the quality management system

The organization shall determine the boundaries and applicability of the quality management system to establish its scope.

When determining the scope, the organization shall consider;

  1. The external and internal issues referred to in 4.1;
    We import, sell and distribute ready made goods, and only manufacture minor assembly on rare occasions. (E.g. PAT420KIT & PAT150).
  2. The requirements of relevant interested parties referred to in 4.2;
  3. The products and services of the organization.

The organization shall apply all the requirements of the International Standard where applicable within the determined scope of its quality management system.

The scope of the organization’s quality management system shall be available and be maintained as documented information.  The scope shall state the types of products and services covered and provide justification for any requirement of the International Standard that the organization determines is not applicable to the scope of its quality management system.

To achieve and demonstrate capabilities the organization shall effectively plan, operate and control the various processes within its QMS that provide them.

4.4 Quality Management System and its processes

TR Lord and Associates t/a   AVO New Zealand, LORD Power Equipment and LORD Consulting has established, implemented, maintained and continually improved the QMS, including the processes needed for their interactions, in accordance with ISO 9001.

TR Lord and Associates t/a  AVO New Zealand, LORD Power Equipment and LORD Consulting, has determined the processes needed for the QMS and their application throughout the organisation (assembly processes for production product which considers any risks using the concepts of Risk Standard and comply with all relevant laws, regulations and codes and determines:

  1. The inputs required and the outputs expected from these processes (products meet specification and customer expectations).
  2. The sequence and interaction of these processes has been evaluated and addressed.
  3. The criteria, methods, including measurements and related performance indicators needed, have been established, to ensure the effective operation and control of these processes are included in the work instructions.
  4. All resources needed are determined when a new order is created or a new process is established and provided.
  5. The assignment of authorities and responsibilities for these processes as defined in the job and position descriptions and organisation chart and delegations.
  6. The risks and opportunities in accordance with the requirements of “Actions to address risks and opportunities” schedule.
  7. Processes are evaluated and, if needed, changes made to processes to ensure that they achieve the intended results. Work instructions including and testing that is deemed necessary to assure the intended results.
  8. Opportunities for improvement of the processes and the quality management system. These are discussed as part of TR Lord and Associates t/a AVO New Zealand, LORD Power Equipment and LORD Consulting continuous improvement programme. These may be initiated by customer request, competitive environment, and initiation of a new process or process failure.

TR Lord and Associates t/a AVO New Zealand, LORD Power Equipment and LORD Consulting    maintains documented information to the extent necessary to support the operation of processes and retains documented information to the extent necessary to have confidence that the processes are being carried out as planned.