0800 485 990 (NZ)

1800 128 000 (AUS)

Aspen Line Database

Electronic depository of data related to power lines and cables

The ASPEN Line Database™ is an electronic depository of data related to power lines and cables. It is designed to be a central reference source for overhead lines and underground cables in power system operations, maintenance, and studies. A powerful calculator of line/cable electrical parameters is built-in.
The Line Database is easy to learn and to use. An interactive graphics interface shows the line/cable construction. It allows you to directly manipulate the lines and cables by pointing, clicking and dragging with the mouse.
Each line in the Line Database is made up of overhead, underground and impedance “sections” in different “corridors”.  A corridor can be thought of as a physical right-of-way with one or more sections of different lines. This section-corridor data structure helps you visualize each line as a string of sections on different corridors. It also lets you see clearly the line’s mutual-coupling relationship with other lines that are on those corridors.
The Line Database allows you to maintain a library of overhead towers, wires and cables so that you can model the line and cable sections using instances of these standard building blocks.
The program lets you store in the database any line-related information, in addition to those needed to calculate the line parameters.  The database features are flexible and customizable. The administrator of the Line Database has the ability to customize the data fields’ visibility, labeling, the method of entry (e.g., selecting from a custom list, dates only, or allowing any text entry). The program has a query system that lets you search and retrieve data quickly and effortlessly.
You can store files of any type (e.g., documents, photographs and drawing files) within the database and be able to recall them at any time.
Data security is built into the Enterprise version of this program. The user must enter a login name and a password to gain access to data. The Administrator can assign form-by-form privileges to different users.

 ​Talk to us

Customer Service: 0800 485 990 Phone: +64 3 348 5999

 ​​Postal Address

P.O. Box 8921
Christchurch 8440

 ​​Delivery Address

P.O. Box 8921
Christchurch 8440

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