0800 485 990 (NZ)

1800 128 000 (AUS)

RH Systems 473 Dew Point Hygrometer

High Performance Chilled Mirror Hygrometer with Cable Mounted Measuring Head

  • Highly precise chilled mirror dew point technology
  • Cable mounted dew point and temperature measurement
  • Aspirated and direct insertion measuring heads
  • Barometric pressure measurement options
  • Intuitive color touch screen user interface
  • User verifiable calibration

Highly Precise Chilled Mirror Dew Point Technology

Chilled mirror condensation technology provides highly precise, stable and repeatable results. Water vapor condenses onto a temperature controlled mirror surface and this ‘dew point’ is detected with advanced optical electronics. Since dew point is specific to water vapor concentration and not temperature dependent, measurement precision is consistent across the full application range including high temperature and humidity conditions in climatic test chambers.

MBW chilled mirror hygrometers have a typical service life of more than 15 years thanks to the use of high quality materials and Swiss precision engineering. The high quality platinum resistance thermometer (PRT) element embedded within the mirror ensures excellent long term measurement stability. Thanks to the precise dew point and temperature measurements as well as the stability and long service life, MBW chilled mirrors are used by national standards and accredited laboratories worldwide. The 473 transfers reference standard performance into applications such as climatic chamber validation, relative humidity calibrators and a wide range of industrial processes.

 ​Talk to us

Customer Service: 0800 485 990 Phone: +64 3 348 5999

 ​​Postal Address

P.O. Box 8921
Christchurch 8440

 ​​Delivery Address

P.O. Box 8921
Christchurch 8440

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