What is FS Cable Life Extension?
FS Cable Life Extension program is a cost-effective solution to prevent premature or unnecessary cable replacements. Typically, any cables that are exposed to and affected by the environment should be considered for our Life Extension program to restore your cables and extend your operations at low cost.
Certified Sustainable Cable Maintenance
FS cable life extension is a well-documented solution to significantly extend the expected operational life of all cables that a facility or installation needs to last longer. Typically, these cables are exposed to UV, heat, or extreme environmental conditions, causing early aging. HV cables affected by constant UV exposure, oil, mud, and chemicals become a safety hazard and this is where our life extension solution is very cost-efficient.
Our approved coating systems will create a protective new outer layer, restore, and upgrade the cables’ insulation properties whilst also upgrading the cables fire-technically.
Applications of FS coating on UV damaged cables, for example while the cable outer sheath is still in a relatively good condition, will save costs and preserve or enhance electrical integrity. Early action avoids costly replacements or repair. Derating of cables is not required, and our coating has no negative effect on the cables.
We encourage anyone having problems with their electrical installation to contact us for further consultation.
Why FS Cable Life Extension?
FS is the leading service provider for cable protection with a proven track record of restoring and preserving defective cables. Saving lives and protecting assets is our goal, as aging or damaged cables are a major factor for industrial fires and unwanted plant shutdowns.
Cables exposed to harsh environments normally do not last their designed or expected service life and this is why our FS solution is the best available option for extending the life of cables and extend your operation without interruption. After the FS rejuvenation process, your cables are ready to continue their operation with a warranty backed application.
On a 24/7 operating industrial plant, vessel or offshore installation, continuity is the key factor and cable disruption regularly causes false alarms and unnecessary downtime, resulting in loss of production. Fire Security has over thirty-five years’ experience in working worldwide with major operators enabling them to maintain a safe electrical environment for their assets.
Global insurance companies recognize cable coating and often recommend it to protect critical cable routings.
We deliver turn-key installations where no interruption of operation is required. We use our own trained personnel with world-wide experience to meet our clients’ needs and expectations.
Our Cable Life Extension program, with the restoration of cable sheath and jacket, has been implemented throughout multiple industries & sectors and has a long track record of extending the operational life of existing cables.
Cable Life Extension and The Environment.
FS systems significantly extend the lives of cables and thus limit the need for resource-intensive cable replacement. While metallic cable components (conductors, armor) are recoverable and recyclable, cables contain large volumes of plastic, PVC, XLPE in sheets and insulation. Those components are commonly incinerated openly or disposed of in landfills. Prolonging cable life mitigates the negative end-of-life environmental impact of cables, as well as the inherent environmental and resource cost of unnecessary production and installation of new cables
How FS Cable Life Extension Works
A site survey is normally required to understand and identify the cable problems, followed by a detailed survey report with suggested solutions to repair cable damages and restore insulation. This service is offered with no further commitment from the client. Contact us today for a free online consultation.
Initial contact is normally followed by product presentations and a site survey. FS’s experienced surveyors will identify your problems and present a detailed survey report where we document current and likely future conditions of your cables, propose solutions, and indicate a budget.
Turnkey applications are delivered by our own experienced technicians using only FS Class Approved products. The work process concludes with a full documentation package including Completion Report and Warranty Letter, supported with relevant Class Approvals and Testing reports.
We coat all visible sides of a cable or bundle – and where required – the cable support. The coating remains flexible throughout its lifetime and works as a barrier, creating a more stable electrical environment as well as preventing further cable degradation with enhanced fire protection as an additional bonus. We warranty our life extension applications for up to ten years and remain available for re-warranty surveys to closely monitor the condition of the cables. Dependent on the original condition of the cables, their life in service can often be extended by a factor of three.
Muddy cables are cleaned and coated for cable life extension, no need for costly cable replacement.