0800 485 990 (NZ)

1800 128 000 (AUS)

Lascar PanelPilot Multi-Function Graphics Meters - 2.4-3.5"

Colour TFT graphics meters that users can program to display a variety of meter styles

Available in 2.4", 2.8" and 3.5" sizes, the meters are programmable via USB interface with free Windows-based configuration software.

Users can select the type of meter style they want and personalize the display by selecting preferences in color, text and voltage input scaling. Once programming is complete, the meter is detached and mounted in the panel. Each unit is supplied with a variety of standard display styles. A 2.4" NEMA 6X model is available for hostile environments

  • 3 Color TFT Screen Sizes 
  • Programmed via USB Interface
  • User Selectable Meter Display Styles
  • 0–40V or 4–20mA DC Input
  • 4 to 30 VDC Supply Voltage
  • Screw Terminal Connections
  • Free Windows Configuration Software
  • NEMA 6X Version Available

 ​Talk to us

Customer Service: 0800 485 990 Phone: +64 3 348 5999

 ​​Postal Address

P.O. Box 8921
Christchurch 8440

 ​​Delivery Address

P.O. Box 8921
Christchurch 8440

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