0800 485 990 (NZ)

1800 128 000 (AUS)

Bowmar Single Edgewise BarGraphs

Bright, easy-reading 3" to 10" LED bars for OEM and process applications

The Bowmar Series offer 51 or 101 segment bar displays with 2% or 1% resolution.

Choose from red, green, yellow, white or blue LEDs on larger models. Colors can also be mixed within the bar to provide permanent indication zones. A low/high brightness control adjusts LED intensity for operator and control room conditions. Standard white on black or custom black on white scales can be provided. Expanded scales can also be ordered to view the most important part of a measurement in greater detail.

Screw terminal connectors are standard on the APM series. Connections to the BG series are made to a rear panel card edge connector. Front panel, mounting and performance are identical in both series.

The Bowmar BarGraph instruments accept DC process inputs, either voltage or current. Other BarGraph models can be configured for a wide variety of input signals. Retrofit sizes are available for most panel and switchboard meters in use today. These instruments satisfy the high quality standards set forth by the utility, OEM and process control industries.


  • 51 or 101 segment LED bar array
  • Red, green, yellow, blue or white LEDs
  • Selectable LED brightness
  • DC inputs to 10A and 100V
  • Differential input
  • Harsh environment enclosures

 ​Talk to us

Customer Service: 0800 485 990 Phone: +64 3 348 5999

 ​​Postal Address

P.O. Box 8921
Christchurch 8440

 ​​Delivery Address

P.O. Box 8921
Christchurch 8440

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