0800 485 990 (NZ)

1800 128 000 (AUS)

Single & Dual Concentric Bargraphs

One or two channels of signal conditioning and display in a rugged metal case

For maximum flexibility, each channel is configured separately and operates totally independently.


  • Two Complete Bargraph Units in One Case
  • Replaces Foxboro 6400HC Indicators
  • High Resolution 101 Segment Bars
  • 3 1/2 or 4 1/2 Digit LED Displays
  • Wide Selection of Inputs
  • Alarm, Retransmit & SCADA Output Options

The BF6400 family of Bargraph Meters provide either one or two channels of signal conditioning and display in a rugged metal case. For maximum flexibility, each channel is configured separately and operates totally independently. These units provide large, bright displays to replace Foxboro mechanical indicators or other large analog gauges. In addition to replicating the Foxboro 0-50mA DC input, a wide selection of DC, AC, temperature and frequency inputs can be ordered. Adjustable setpoints and up to four relay outputs provide the capability for control and alarm based on signal level. Custom scales can be specified to duplicate existing gauge markings.

The front panel has no operator accessible controls, so configuration settings cannot be accidentally changed. Either the digital interface or optional Attachable Button Station can be used to setup or reconfigure each channel. The digital displays provide precise measurements of process parameters. The optional analog retransmit can be used for remote display or connection to a plantSCADAsystem. The BF6400 provides many other features of the popularWeschler BG252, including adjustable bar zero location, bar span, digital decimal point, digital full scale and flashing overrange.

 ​Talk to us

Customer Service: 0800 485 990 Phone: +64 3 348 5999

 ​​Postal Address

P.O. Box 8921
Christchurch 8440

 ​​Delivery Address

P.O. Box 8921
Christchurch 8440

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