0800 485 990 (NZ)

1800 128 000 (AUS)

Quatro BarGraph Meters

A precision 12000 count A/D converter and microprocessor control

  • 101 segment bargraph in red, green or tricolor
  • 4-digit, 10000 count LED display
  • 6" edgewise & 9/64 DIN case sizes
  • Vertical or horizontal orientation

Direct Measurement of
DC Current, AC Current, DC Voltage, AC Voltage, Frequency, Process Loops, Thermocouples, RTDs, Load Cells / Strain Gauges, Speed Pickups / RPM, Pressure, Resistance / Potentiometers

A flexible and highly configurable indicator for display of electrical signals and process parameters. Combines the precision of a digital readout with a vivid proportional display. Ideal for new applications and replacement of existing analog gauges or digital panel meters. Simple to install and set up.


  • Single & dual bar configurations
  • Adjustable bargraph span - the bar can display any part of the digital display range
  • Bargraph center zero mode
  • Four programmable setpoints
  • Front panel setpoint status indicators
  • Up to 4 relay outputs for control and alarms
  • Analog retransmit option with adjustable span
  • Wide power supply range (AC & DC)
  • Sensor excitation to power 4-20mA transmitters or bridge type sensors

The Quatro BarGraph line is based on a precision 12000 count A/D converter and microprocessor control. Intelligent filtering smooths noisy signals while quickly responding to large signal changes. A wide selection of input modules easily interface to transducers, sensors and common process signals. Multi-range modules increase field configurability. Range selection is made by moving the on-board jumper.

Setpoints & Relays
Up to four setpoints can be configured for control and alarm functions. Setpoints are indicated on the bar display by a lit segment if the bar is below the setpoint and a dark segment if the display is above the setpoint. Up to 4 setpoints are available in each unit. Relays can be ordered to provide external control and alarms. Each relay may be configured to activate above its setpoint or below its setpoint. High current outputs handle SPST and SPDT switching up to 10A and 250VAC. Solid state relays (DC or AC/DC) are also available in the edgewise case. Setpoints 1 & 2 can be combined to define a hysteresis band for relay one. This is particularly useful in tank level applications. Depending on the relay mode selected, it will perform either a tank fill or tank empty function.

Bar Display
The 101 segment bar provides 1% resolution for the selected bar span, which can be any portion of the input range. Red, green and tricolor bars are available. The tricolor bar can be set to change color based on signal level. This provides an easily seen indication when a measured parameter needs attention. The setpoint values are the transition points for color changes. Any color can be set between two adjacent setpoint values. In a common application, the bar is green when the signal is below SP1. When the signal is between SP1 & SP2, the entire bar changes to orange. Above SP2, the entire bar changes to red. 

Analog Retransmit
A 0-10V or 4-20mA isolated analog output is available for remote indication or SCADA interface. The output can be adjusted to track any portion of the input span. Rescaling of the bar will not affect the analog output. An internal jumper quickly changes between V & mA.

Initial setup on the Quatro meters is done through the front panel buttons. Once set, installation of a rear panel jumper disables this feature.

 ​Talk to us

Customer Service: 0800 485 990 Phone: +64 3 348 5999

 ​​Postal Address

P.O. Box 8921
Christchurch 8440

 ​​Delivery Address

P.O. Box 8921
Christchurch 8440

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