Corona Survey

The CoroCAM 7HD is now available.

Improvements include a new full HD visible sensor and a new circuit board allowing 720p HD video of the central cropped full HD feed. This gives you the best of both worlds, the resolving power afforded by a high zoom (30x) full HD visible camera with the smaller file sizes of 720p (a 1/4 of Full HD file sizes).

A simpler and cleaner user interface has been implemented, while keeping the easy to handle and understand the physical interface and menu structure - putting powerful features at your finger tips, if you want to use them.

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New CoroCAM8 Corona Camera video

Video: CoroCAM 8UAV Inspection at Qirion, NL

A fascinating flashback to a flying visit in the Netherlands with the CoroCAM 8UAV combined UV, visible and thermal camera mounted in a Gremsy T3 gimbal, lofted by an Aerialtronic’s Altura Zenith drone. The point inspection luckily did not show any major issues, unlike the example image included in the video, which shows a corona discharge co-locating with a hotspot.

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